Switching health insurance companies

Updated 8th July 2024

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  • All you need to know about switching health insurance providers
  • Leaving your company scheme, don't worry we can help
  • Find out which health insurers offer incentives for switching

When it comes to insurance renewal, be it car, home or health, the same rules apply – always compare quotes and cover before continuing with your existing insurer.

There are things you need to be aware of when switching health insurance provider as it is not quite as straight forward as perhaps home or car insurance renewal is, however if you don’t at least compare quotes, you may be missing out on a cheaper private healthcare option with better cover.

Can I switch provider?

Whether you are looking to switch from an existing personal scheme or leaving a company health insurance scheme, switching medical insurance companies is a simple and straightforward process, as long as you know what you are looking for or get the right guidance and advice. 

The best time to think about changing your personal health insurance cover is when your annual insurance renewal comes round. As we get older, our risk of illness gets higher which unfortunately means so do our heath care monthly premiums.

Taking time to review and compare health insurance quotes across the market on an annual basis gives you the chance to ensure your level of health care cover is appropriate for your requirements and to see if there are better deals around.

For example, some UK health insurance companies offer incentives for switching, or discounts for those who haven’t claimed on their private medical insurance for a specific number of years.

This is where an experienced private health insurance specialist like our partners at First Choice can really help. Their advice is free; they can compare the market for you, talk you through your options and then give you a range of quotes so you can choose which option you prefer.

Self employed health insurance information

What to be aware of when switching provider?

The important rule to remember here is that cheap health insurance isn’t always good – you must understand what health care cover is included before jumping ship. Never just go on price as you may not get the cover you need.

Therefore in addition to comparing the cost, also compare the benefits, cover limits and any monetary caps included on treatments. This is even more crucial if you have had a condition that you have claimed, for as another private health insurance provider may consider it as a pre-exisiting condition and exclude it from your policy.

The key here is to look for UK health insurance companies that as a minimum will let you switch on a ‘Continued Medical Exclusion Basis’.  This means that you will continue to be covered under the same terms with your new private health insurance provider as your old one.

It is also worth mentioning that the best time to move your personal health insurance is when your insurance renewal comes round, as at other times you may incur a fee for changing.

If you are leaving a company scheme but would like to continue your private health insurance on an individual basis, approaching your current provider is a good place to start as they may continue the cover on the same basis. With many company health care schemes you do not have to undertake a medical, so switching to a new private medical insurance provider would mean this would need to take place which may not necessarily be a bad thing – depending on the state of your health.

Our advice

For more information on switching health insurance companies our advice is to always compare the market and speak to an adviser who will find the best deal to suit you

Our service through First Choice Health & Protection is free to use

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Comprehensive Cover

Comprehensive medical insurance provides a much fuller level of health insurance cover than a standard plan. See how they compare how much they cost.

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Pre-existing conditions

If you have or previously suffered from ill health your pre-existing condition maybe covered with more affordable private health insurance than you think

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Protect your children with a family health insurance plan. Compare monthly costs get quotes from the leading UK medical insurance providers.

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If you are self employed and looking for private health insurance we will search the market for you offer you the best self employed quotes.

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Over 65s

If you're over 65 and looking for private health insurance we will search the market for you offer you the best quotes. Start your research here.

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