Ashley's blog

Ashley Shepherd is the founder and managing director at Over50choices. With over 30 years’ experience in financial services, he has held senior roles in building societies, banks and insurance companies. 

Ashley Shepherd
couple of ex pats in spain
09th May 2024

European funeral plans for Spain, Portugal and Cyprus

Have you considered what would happen if you die in Spain? Cremation or repatriation to the UK? Protect your loved ones with a prepaid funeral plan.

people in their 60s looking at a lap top
09th May 2024

What does Martin Lewis say about over 50 life insurance?

The money saving expert Martin Lewis has reservations when it comes to over 50s life insurance. Although he believes an over 50 plan could be lucrative for some....

08th May 2024

Inheritance tax guide

Read our Inheritance Tax guide to find all you need to know about IHT including how it might affect you and how you can you redeuce the impact of it.

02nd May 2024

Deferring your pension

Should you take your personal pension or leave it for now? Read our guide to understand your options, calculate your pension income and get expert guidance.

01st May 2024

IHT on gifts explained

Read our simple guide to IHT on gifts to your family to help you understand what you are allowed to gift tax free.

30th Apr 2024

Pension rules and tax considerations

Read our simple guide to the current rules and tax considerations for pension drawdown and annuities.

middle aged couple sat on sofa
30th Apr 2024

Guide to arranging a funeral

Arranging a funeral can be a daunting prospect. Find out how to put your funeral arrangements in place, saving your family the stress and financial burden when the time comes.

23rd Apr 2024

Understand intestacy rules

We explain the UK's intestacy rules that dictate how someone's estate is divided in the absence of a will.

14th Apr 2024

How to avoid inheritance tax on property

In this guide we explain how to reduce the inheritance tax payable on your property and why leaving it too late could cost you and your family thousands.

couple sat in field with bike
10th Apr 2024

Guide to personalising a funeral

Have you thought about what you'd like at your funeral? Read our simple guide to help you plan the funeral you want for yourself.

10th Apr 2024

What is Power of Attorney?

Read our simple guide to Power of Attorney to understand how it works and the importance of choosing the right type for your needs.

father and son looking at photo
03rd Apr 2024

How to write a eulogy

Read our simple guide to help you write and read a eulogy that truly reflects the person who's died.

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